Media Project

For my Digital Media Presentation, I chose the topic of social media and government propaganda. This is a topic that has interested me since I learned about disinformation during a course that I took three years ago. For narrowing my topic, I knew I was going to utilize Russia. Russia has been a master at disinformation and false flag attacks for centuries. Ivan the terrible used a false flag incident as a reason to attack the Kazan Khanate located on the Volga in 1552.

Since I had already spoken on Russian disinformation campaigns during the U.S. elections in 2016, I decided to research Russian disinformation during the current Russo-Ukrainian conflict. The facet of technology I chose was social media. This was because I already was following these specific campaigns on social media and had already seen much disinformation spread on both sides. It was a good topic for my presentation and an excuse for me to learn a little bit more about something that already interests me.

